Welcome to Episode 106A of The Extra Mile Podcast!
So which would you rather have, (2) hour long episodes back to back
or one mammoth 2 hour PLUS episode? I am opting for the first option this time.
I swear episode 106B will be posted SOON. Now of course I get to
decide what “soon” means. ;-)
Please check out the following stuff from today’s episode:
Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so
of your time.
We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to theextramilepodcast@gmail.com or by calling the comment line at: 206-339-6497. We would love to add your voice to the next episode!
Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.
Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.