
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

TEM 30- Episode 30

So after a beautiful autumn here in the northern hemisphere, it's about time to fight that urge to hibernate and enter that dreaded "maintenance mode".
This mode is by far the hardest of all the running "cycles" for me, and I would gladly listen to any advice you might have on how to make this more fun and productive!!
Every year, as the temperatures drop, they drag my enthusiasm with them and it becomes more and more difficult to lace'em up and head out of the door.
So if you have any tips, suggestions or even if you feel the same way as I do and you want me to know I'm not alone, send in your submissions on how you plan on making it until the BIG THAW!!
Sorry for the delay in getting this episode out, but I post'em as I get'em.
Send us your comments and audio submissions to:

or feel free to call our comment line at:


Enjoy the show and have a great training week. Kevin, Chris and Nigel

You can now vote for us over on P
odcast Alley, or subscribe with iTunes.Get the MP3 of this episode here.

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