

The Extra Mile Podcast is a podcast for runners of all abilities from any part of the globe.

In this podcast we encourage runners, no matter what their ability, to get in touch and send us their audio updates to tell us about their training, their races, or even if they've just taken up running. We welcome everyone in to our online community.

Some runners choose to record themselves out on a run, whilst others like to record in the comfort of their own home. Whichever suits you, why not record us a message and let us know how your running is going? You can use your computer, your MP3 player or any type of audio digital recording device to record something and email  it in to us, we really would love to hear from you.

This podcast is listened to by many runners around the globe who often take the show out on their training runs and just love to hear about how other runners are doing - a bit like having a group virtual running buddies to keep them company.

Thanks for visiting the site and we hope you'll add your voice to our growing global community of runners on the Extra Mile Podcast!