
Monday, 21 December 2020

TEM 195 - Episode 195

Welcome to Episode 195 of the Extra Mile Podcast

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. or whatever you celebrate! Thanks for spending another year with us, no matter how BAD that year may have been! YOU made it better for us all!

Please join The Extra Mile Team for Jeff’s newest Challenge below: 

·         Jeff Galloway’s Winter Fun in ’21 Challenge

Check out all the good stuff mentioned in this episode! 

·         Just Plain Dave’s Podcast

·         The Run/Talk/Run Podcast

·         Just Plain Dave

·         Carlos the Running Jackal

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor 

     sQoosh Bands.. MORE than a sweatband!

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

TEM 194 - Episode 194

 Welcome to episode 194 of The Extra Mile Podcast!

Been a while! So glad to be back with my Lovables! Lets go for a run. My pace!!

Check out some very cool stuff mentioned in this episode:

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time. 

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.

Friday, 11 September 2020

TEM 193 - Episode 193

Welcome to Episode 193 of the Extra Mile Podcast

As life slowly begins to get back to “normal”, our Lovable Extra Milers are finding creative was to keep to the roads and enjoy the best exercise ever!!Don’t believe me? JUST LISTEN!

Check out all the good stuff mentioned in this episode!

·         Jeff’s 60 Day Challenge! JOIN OUR TEAM!!

·         Just Plain Dave’s Podcast

·         The Run/Talk/Run Podcast

·         Carlos the Running Jackal

·         Girls Got Sole Blog

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

     sQoosh Bands.. MORE than a sweatband!

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.



Sunday, 12 July 2020

TEM 192 - Episode 192

Welcome to episode 192 of The Extra Mile Podcast!

It's been a long time, now I'm coming back home
The Beatles

What pandemic/lockdown/heat wave? Nothing will stop this community! 

Check out some very cool stuff mentioned in this episode:

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time. 

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

TEM 191 - Episode 191

Welcome to Episode 191 of the Extra Mile Podcast

Well hello there! Long time me no podcast! But enough about me!

Thank GOD we can still run and walk during this craziness! And if you don’t believe me, just download this episode and take us for a run!

Check out all the good stuff mentioned in this episode!

·         The Run Run Live Podcast
·         Just Plain Dave’s Podcast
·         The Run/Talk/Run Podcast

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

The Extra Mile Podcast Virtual to Honor Our Heroes!

During these trying times for us all, some of us deserve a special shout out of some sort for truly going THE EXTRA MILE to keep us all safe! 

For that reason, and because the month of May is always the month set aside to honor those amazing people, we proudly announce our EXTRA MILE PODCAST CORONAVIRUS VIRTUAL!!

Like last time, pick whatever distance you like and then Do The Extra Mile! So run a 5k, and add an extra mile for 4.1 miles. Run a 10k, add The Extra Mile for a 7.2 mile run! Get it?

This time we will not be collecting money toward any charity, just coming together to honor that special hero in your life. That nurse, doctor, police officer, military member or their spouse, Mother, Teacher, or whoever YOUR hero is!

NO ENTRY FEE!! But if you want to show your support on your next run, you can order our limited edition The Extra Mile Podcast CoronaVirus Virtual running shirt with certificate for just $25.00, which includes shipping!!

To order your shirt and certificate, CLICK HERE. Orders will be taken until May 3rd. Shirts will arrive by May 17. Once again, it is not necessary to order the shirt. Just pick your distance, add the extra mile and honor your hero!

Join us this May for The Extra Mile Podcast CoronaVirus Virtual to honor the hero in YOUR life!!

Saturday, 11 April 2020

TEM 190 - Episode 190

Welcome to Episode 190 of The Extra Mile Podcast!

Crazy times! So glad I have so many crazy friends to help me through them!

Check out some very cool stuff mentioned in this episode:

And PLEASE consider helping our friend and fellow Lovable Extra Miler, John Henry, as he runs in support of “Team For Kids”. Please click HERE for details.

If you are interested, you’re welcome to subscribe to my new (and maybe ONLY episode of The Extra Pounds Podcast by clicking HERE!

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

Check out the Extra Mile SWAG PAGE HERE TOO!

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.

Friday, 21 February 2020

TEM 189 - Episode 189

Welcome to episode 189 of The Extra Mile Podcast!

Thought it would be a good idea to catch back up with everyone not too long since episode 188 to discuss some very important topics, including The Extra Mile Podcast Virtual on The Extra Day! Thanks again to everyone who entered!

LOTS of great topics in this episodes as usual, including our talk with Steven Sashen, CEO of Xero Shoes at the very end of this episode, if the topic of natural and barefoot running interests you.

Check out some very cool stuff mentioned in this episode:
     Xero Shoes

And PLEASE consider helping our friend and fellow Lovable Extra Miler, John Henry, as he runs in support of “Team For Kids”. Please click HERE for details.

If you are interested, you’re welcome to subscribe to my new (and maybe ONLY episode of The Extra Pounds Podcast by clicking HERE!

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

Check out the Extra Mile SWAG PAGE HERE TOO!

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.

Friday, 10 January 2020

TEM 188 - Episode 188

Welcome to episode 188 of The Extra Mile Podcast!

Welcome to 2020 and our first episode of a new decade!

This one is more “size appropriate” but still GREAT company for your runs! So lac’em up and let’s do this!

And don’t forget!! On February 29, 2020 we are holding our first ever Extra Mile Podcast Virtual! It’s our way of showing how giving this community really is as you pick whatever distance you want and then DO THE EXTRA MILE ON THE EXTRA DAY! ALL proceeds will be donated to The Donna Foundation to help put an end to breast cancer!

Check out some very cool stuff mentioned in this episode:
     Support John Henry and his GREAT Charity HERE

If you are interested, you’re welcome to subscribe to my new (and maybe ONLY episode of The Extra Pounds Podcast by clicking HERE!

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

Check out the Extra Mile SWAG PAGE HERE TOO!

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.