
Friday, 26 September 2008

TEM 28 - Episode 28


I'm not sure if this episode is about the damaging winds I had to run through last week or just a long winded episode!

But either way, this one of chock full of cool stuff from LOTS of your favorite running buddies.

Sorry I don't have links to everyone in this episode but we have a LOT of people in this one (keep them coming please!!) and if you listen closely, you will hear then share their blog sites. So PAY ATTENTION! We will have a test later.

It's a SHORT 3 weeks to race day, so get over to

and enter right now!

And make sure you all send your CHEERS FROM THE BLUE PLANET to Steve Runner by October 6th! PLEASE do this today! Send your submissions to:

or call Steve and leave your 2 minute message at 206-338-3211

Send us your comments and audio submissions to:

or feel free to call our comment line at:


Enjoy the show and have a great training week.Kevin, Chris and Nigel
You can now vote for us over on P
odcast Alley, or subscribe with iTunes.Get the MP3 of this episode here.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

TEM- 27 Episode 27

This weeks show is a bit of a reunion show, catching up with some old friends. Well, not OLD friends but friend we haven't heard from in a while.

Seems we may have "guilted" some new submissions out of some very cool listeners too! Hey! Whatever it takes!!

In addition to listening to some interesting updates, make sure you check out this web link:

Now put in your earbuds and lets head out for that Extra Mile already!!

Here are a few of your friends you will be taking with you today:

Send us your comments and audio submissions to

or feel free to call our comment line at:


Enjoy the show and have a great training week.Kevin, Chris and Nigel

You can now vote for us over on Podcast Alley, or subscribe with iTunes.Get the MP3 of this episode here.